So where to begin? We visited the baby doctor last week and got to hear Little Bobo's heartbeat of 150bpm. (Bobo is a nickname we've given our little peanut recently. Not sure how it got started but Colby and I use it frequently when referring to our unborn child...and sometimes each other. We go through these weird nickname phases so I don't know how long it will last but for now, it suits.) Then on Saturday, I took Colby lunch at the ER where he was working that day, and he and I played around with the ultrasound machine and got to see Little Bobo kicking up a storm! I just love seeing my baby moving around in my growing belly. He/she turned and flipped and showed us every body part except the parts we were really looking know what I'm talking about. We are 10 days away from finding out our baby's gender and have tried every way possible to find out before. I guess Little Bobo really wants it to be a surprise when we have our gender party next Friday. Once the gender is determined, the buying and planning and decorating can really begin! Colby has already planned a pirate themed room complete with a mini shark filled fish tank for the son he is hoping for. Meanwhile, I've got visions of pink flowers and frilly ruffles and crystal chandeliers dancing in my head. I will be happy with a boy or long as I'm the favorite parent. Just kidding...kinda :).
Photos by Melissa Rossine
Other than being completely obsessed with a person I've never met, I've been emotionally drained from the first episode of the new season of Grey's Anatomy. Seriously. I'm not sure my hormonal, pregnant self can handle this show right now. Coincidentally, Glee has switched nights to Thursday at 9 so I'm now torn between the two. This week, I chose to go with Glee since I knew there would be lots of good music and peppiness to boot. I DVR'd Grey's so I could watch on Friday. I'm glad I made that decision. I think if I had chosen to watch Grey's on Thursday, my Friday could have possibly been ruined. I'm not even joking. This show knows how to turn me into a blubbery, sobbing mess of a woman. It ain't pretty, I'm just tellin' ya!
RIP McSteamy :(
Do I seem a little ADD to you tonight? I apologize. I blame it on my pregnancy brain.
In my last post, I know I promised you an update on classroom happenings and I wish I could say I have a whole unit to post about, but sadly, I do not. I just do not take pictures like I should. I already feel like I do a million things at once when I'm teaching so I rarely have time to think, "hey, I should take a picture of this". I am, however, going to share my latest Teachers Pay Teachers creation with you. It's a Columbus Read Around the Room activity. My kiddos love hunting for words around the room and since Columbus Day is next week, I thought I'd go ahead and create a fun activity for my Ks and firsties. You can find the packet and its contents by clicking on the pic below.
In my next post, I plan to give you a rundown of all the apple goodness we've been working on in my class as we celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday last week. Tomorrow, we visit the apple orchard and on Friday, we will have an apple tasting party to culminate our unit. There will be lots of fun projects to share!
Thanks for reading. I appreciate all the comments, emails and Facebook messages letting me know you frequent my blog. I feel so loved.
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