Monday, October 15, 2012

Think Pink!

That's right!  It's a girl!  And I must say that this announcement came much to the surprise of my husband and the 20+ guests that joined us at our gender reveal party on Friday night.  I have to admit -  even I was shocked.  Colby had me completely convinced for the past month that we were certainly going to have a blue baby, not a pink baby like I had envisioned in my head many months before we even became pregnant.  But, she showed herself clearly to the ultrasound tech and now we know, we are going to soon have a daughter.  I'll give you the rundown of Friday's events.

All week last week, I was anticipating the first day of fall break...not only because I needed a few days away from my little darlings at school, but because I knew that Friday was the day our baby's gender would finally be determined.  Thursday night, I didn't sleep well.  Something about knowing that such a big surprise awaited us the next day wouldn't let me get into deep sleep mode.  Regardless, I woke up early Friday morning to begin preparing for our gender reveal party that would take place later that night.  Our ultrasound appointment was scheduled for 1pm that day.  Our original plan was to find out together at our appointment and then to share the big news later that day with our families but as the day grew closer, I decided it would be so much more special to share in the excitement of all the family and friends that were coming to the party and not find out during the ultrasound.  My husband was not game on this plan, until I finally convinced him the night before the party....and I'm so glad I did.

When we arrived for our appointment, I checked in and immediately informed the receptionist that we DID NOT want to find out baby's gender during our ultrasound.  I informed her of our plan that we wished to have the ultrasound pics sealed in an envelope and asked if someone in the office could call the bakery we were getting our cake from to inform them of baby's gender.  She was more than willing to help and seemed to be really excited about our plan...especially after she found out we were getting our cake from Mondelli's Bake Shop.  She, like us, loves the butter cream icing.  When we were finally called back for our appointment, I checked with the ultrasound tech to make sure she was aware of our plans.  She showed us our sweet baby's profile and let us hear the heartbeat...156bpm.  Then, before she went searching for baby's gender, she asked us to turn our heads.  It was hard to not find out right then but I knew it would be so worth it just a few short hours later when we could share it with the ones we loved most.  Colby even turned his head willingly reluctantly and went along with my plan.  Just a few minutes later, she handed me a couple pics of baby's profile and upper torso and then an envelope with baby's gender pics. We left the office proud that we had actually not given into the temptation to look and extremely anxious for the party.

We went to the bakery and picked up the securely sealed box that held the cake decorated with either pink or blue.  We bought an array of pink and blue decorations and soon had the house ready for the big reveal. 

Moe's arrived a little before the party began to set up the food table.  It wasn't long until our house was filled with our closest family and friends all dressed in pink or blue depending on their guess for Baby Newsome's gender.  We had a chalkboard set up for guests to cast their votes for either Team Pink or Blue.  Each guest took a pumpkin badge to wear in support of their guess.


We ate some delicious Mexican, enjoyed some fun conversations about the possibilities of Baby Newsome and before long, it was time to open the cake box.  We all gathered around the kitchen table for the big reveal.   Colby and I worked for what seemed like forever to tear into the box.  When all the tape seals were broken and the box was opened, there she was...a little blonde haired, blue eyed baby girl under a pink blanket adorning the cake.  What?!?!  Shock and awe filled the room!  The daddy to be was probably the most shocked of all.  I was beyond thrilled and I honestly didn't know I'd be so excited for a girl.  See the below photos and video.

Team Pink was definitely the underdog with only 5 votes...including Mona, our basenji mix pound puppy.  The victory was definitely sweet for the three pink ladies below.  Yes, my dress is actually pink and blue but my badge said girl.  My reasoning for not going with just one color was because I wanted my baby to look back on pictures of this night and know that I wasn't pulling for one sex over the other...although, after looking at the reveal picture, I must have been wanting a daughter just a little more. 

The pink ladies! Me with my sister-in-law, Kelly and my mama. This will be the first granddaughter for my mother.  She was tickled pink!

Mona is so excited for a sister!
Whoo!  What an exciting, eventful weekend!  Sharing this wonderful moment with our closest loved ones was so special and will never be forgotten.  There is something about knowing the gender of the baby that puts me at ease.  Perhaps it's that I know we can start buying all thinks pink and girly and begin preparing the nursery for our sweet baby.  Perhaps it's that our baby has a name now...which I will reveal at a later date :).  Either way, I am ending my fall break feeling extremely blissful about my growing little girl and our growing little family.    God is so good to us!
I know in my last post I promised a description of our recent apple unit.  I may still get around to it this week but my sweet baby girl was on my mind and it seemed only fair that this post be dedicated to her.  I know you'll understand.   Here's to Team Pink!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

E to the X to the H-a-u-s-t-e-d

Here I am...back after only 7 days!  See...I am trying!  I write this as I lay swaddled in my down comforter with my head comfortably positioned on top of two big fluffy pillows.  Yes, it's only Tuesday and I'm already drained....and we go on a field trip tomorrow....and Wednesday is also my long day at school this week...and this Saturday is our Fall Carnival, which means I'll be spending half of my Saturday at school. Do you feel my exhaustion?  Where is all the energy that I've been promised will come back to me in my second trimester? 

So where to begin?  We visited the baby doctor last week and got to hear Little Bobo's heartbeat of 150bpm.  (Bobo is a nickname we've given our little peanut recently.  Not sure how it got started but Colby and I use it frequently when referring to our unborn child...and sometimes each other.  We go through these weird nickname phases so I don't know how long it will last but for now, it suits.)   Then on Saturday, I took Colby lunch at the ER where he was working that day, and he and I played around with the ultrasound machine and got to see Little Bobo kicking up a storm!  I just love seeing my baby moving around in my growing belly.  He/she turned and flipped and showed us every body part except the parts we were really looking know what I'm talking about.  We are 10 days away from finding out our baby's gender and have tried every way possible to find out before.  I guess Little Bobo really wants it to be a surprise when we have our gender party next Friday.  Once the gender is determined, the buying and planning and decorating can really begin!  Colby has already planned a pirate themed room complete with a mini shark filled fish tank for the son he is hoping for.  Meanwhile, I've got visions of pink flowers and frilly ruffles and crystal chandeliers dancing in my head.  I will be happy with a boy or long as I'm the favorite parent. Just kidding...kinda :).

Photos by Melissa Rossine

Other than being completely obsessed with a person I've never met, I've been emotionally drained from the first episode of the new season of Grey's Anatomy.  Seriously.  I'm not sure my hormonal, pregnant self can handle this show right now.  Coincidentally, Glee has switched nights to Thursday at 9 so I'm now torn between the two.  This week, I chose to go with Glee since I knew there would be lots of good music and peppiness to boot.  I DVR'd Grey's so I could watch on Friday.  I'm glad I made that decision.  I think if I had chosen to watch Grey's on Thursday, my Friday could have possibly been ruined.  I'm not even joking.  This show knows how to turn me into a blubbery, sobbing mess of a woman.  It ain't pretty, I'm just tellin' ya!

RIP McSteamy :(

Do I seem a little ADD to you tonight?  I apologize.  I blame it on my pregnancy brain.

In my last post, I know I promised you an update on classroom happenings and I wish I could say I have a whole unit to post about, but sadly, I do not. I just do not take pictures like I should.  I already feel like I do a million things at once when I'm teaching so I rarely have time to think, "hey, I should take a picture of this".   I am, however, going to share my latest Teachers Pay Teachers creation with you.  It's a Columbus Read Around the Room activity.  My kiddos love hunting for words around the room and since Columbus Day is next week, I thought I'd go ahead and create a fun activity for my Ks and firsties.  You can find the packet and its contents by clicking on the pic below.

In my next post, I plan to give you a rundown of all the apple goodness we've been working on in my class as we celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday last week.  Tomorrow, we visit the apple orchard and on Friday, we will have an apple tasting party to culminate our unit.  There will be lots of fun projects to share! 

Thanks for reading.  I appreciate all the comments, emails and Facebook messages letting me know you frequent my blog.  I feel so loved.