Monday, September 24, 2012

Sweet Surprise

Yes, yes, I know.  It's been forever since I last posted.  What else is new?  I always have good intentions of posting...and then I get home...and my husband....or my dogs....or the couch seems to always call my favorite evening being when all three do :).  Now that the new seasons of The Voice and Glee (yes, I'm a gleek) are back on, I do waste some time watching the tube, too.  Regardless, please accept my apology if you thought I was gone, never to return again!  My goal is to post at least once a week.  Motivate me to meet my goal with some feedback, comments or just by letting me know that someone out there actually reads my ramblings :). 

So...I'm officially through my first trimester.  Tomorrow will make me exactly 14 weeks pregnant and although there was no projectile vomiting from this mama-to-be, I am super happy to say buh-bye to those first 13 weeks.  I've been told that once you make it past the first trimester, your energy starts to come back and you can actually tolerate certain foods again.  I'm anxious to see if this holds true for me.  Since school started, it seems that by the time I finally make it home, all I'm capable of is eating dinner (take-out) and going to bed....sometimes as early as 6:30pm.  I've also had lots of headaches, mostly mild but last week I had the most monstrous migraine headache that absolutely debilitated and confined me to my house for two days.  I had to spend two days away from my precious school babies to lay in the bed, with a pillow covering my eyes, cold packs around my neck and around the clock Tylenol doses.   Luckily, I was finally saved with some meds called in from the ER where my husband was working; however, because there was such intense, throbbing pain in my head for so long, it took a whole day to actually recover from the migraine itself.  If you've never experienced a migraine, consider yourself lucky (and I'll consider myself jealous).

I began this blog back in the summer mostly so that I could document all the cool things that go on in my classroom.  And then...I got pregnant.  So if you are reading in hopes of finding a great project idea to go along with your Johnny Appleseed unit or a fun, fall writing activity today, stop reading now...because I'm about to flood this post with pics of my unborn child and our first trimester maternity pics.  I will do my best to post some pics of things that are happening in my classroom later this week, but for now, I'm going to brag... and show off my precious peanut, gender still undetermined.

Here's my little thumb sucker now...

Check out this great profile!  He/she is going to be a looker, like daddy, for sure! :)
And now, for some mommy and daddy (and baby) pics...
Proud parents :)
Our little pumpkin should be about the size of this little pumpkin right about now.
And finally, our gender teaser pic...
We don't know yet, either...and won't find out until October 12th.  Ahh! 
In the meantime, what do you think our sweet surprise will be?  A blue baby or a pink baby???